What we do

Jesus said the harvest is plentiful (Luke 10:2). We at Celebrate Messiah NZ are labouring in the field by sharing God’s love in a practical way with Israeli and other international visitors to New Zealand.

Hundreds of Christian households in New Zealand are opening their homes to Israeli travellers. We equip these generous hosts with Bibles, other evangelistic materials, and training in Jewish evangelism.

CMNZ assists local Christian groups in exploring the Bible from its original Jewish perspective.
This results in a deeper understanding of Israel’s role in God’s plan for global revival, the blessing of nations and the return of Jesus.
cmnz speakers' SCHEDULE
Upcoming Events
- Wed, 26 MarYWAM Nelson
- Sat, 29 MarLocation is TBD
- Sun, 30 MarRichmond New Life Church
The following are ways you can be involved in the mission of Celebrate Messiah NZ
Discover the context of the Bible
Invest in Israel's salvation
Find out about our volunteer vacancies